I kinda envisioned the Xin as those typical XCOM Greys - big heads, big eyes, no real facial features, grey skin, long limbs - and then extended the bio-bot design from there. This is actually my second short featuring the Human-Xin conflict, so I might just have to write that up into a full(er?) story at some point for more action and horror.
It would be great to have more :D I am myself a fan of old school XCOM and have even fashioned a similar organization for my alternate history earth. Though in my case they were most prominent during their world’s version of WW2.
That sounds great :) In my case I threw everything in the mix, yet to a balanced degree. Cryptids, ghosts, monsters from outer space, aliens, and other stuff. One of the first straight Squad Zero or SQZ, the novelette “Commando” I wrote for my anthology, A Mandate Of Sword And Railgun.
Hahaha… well, the bio-bot is technically a Xin creature. Think of it like a genetic mutant built off the baseline Xin code; the human equivalent would be something that splices Man and Dog, for example, to create hybrid Dog Soldiers.
Cool action sci-fi!
Glad you liked it!
Man I loved this!
That’s the good stuff! Has exactly the XCOM vibe it needed to have, flowing horror-laden action, ‘splosions, pew-pew fire, and huggy critters :D
I kinda envisioned the Xin as those typical XCOM Greys - big heads, big eyes, no real facial features, grey skin, long limbs - and then extended the bio-bot design from there. This is actually my second short featuring the Human-Xin conflict, so I might just have to write that up into a full(er?) story at some point for more action and horror.
It would be great to have more :D I am myself a fan of old school XCOM and have even fashioned a similar organization for my alternate history earth. Though in my case they were most prominent during their world’s version of WW2.
A global war is perfect cover for alien visitors, after all - sounds like a logical fit. Do you have any of your writing on that topic available here?
I also have an Alternate WW2 serial in progress, although the premise is a little less UFO and a little more occult: https://jameskenwood.substack.com/p/chapter-1-fibres
That sounds great :) In my case I threw everything in the mix, yet to a balanced degree. Cryptids, ghosts, monsters from outer space, aliens, and other stuff. One of the first straight Squad Zero or SQZ, the novelette “Commando” I wrote for my anthology, A Mandate Of Sword And Railgun.
Is that anthology available somewhere? Would like to have a read sometime.
Yes, it is available in kindle and paperback https://kdp.amazon.com/amazon-dp-action/us/dualbookshelf.marketplacelink/B09HQG653Z
Those cowardly Xin can't even fight their own battles, they deserve everything that happens to them.
Hahaha… well, the bio-bot is technically a Xin creature. Think of it like a genetic mutant built off the baseline Xin code; the human equivalent would be something that splices Man and Dog, for example, to create hybrid Dog Soldiers.
Nonsense, and criminal demoralizing. Know your enemy, pick up a leaflet, and learn to read, soldier!